Sept 20-Our Statement Against Hate
Hate Has No Place Here!
On September 20, 2023, the ultra conservative right have planned nationwide events to protest teaching 2SLGBTQIA+ content in schools under the guise of protecting children.
As Labour we know that far from protecting students this will hurt them in so many ways.
In this time of unprecedented hate and emboldened anger against so many people, it is time now, more than ever, for labour to show up as allies to protect targets of hate and bigotry wherever they may be.
There is a March planned for Barrie on September 20 at Barrie City Hall, the march begins at 11 a.m. We must make our voices louder and the message heard that there is no place for hate here.
Encourage your friends and family to join a counter protest and let the #1MillionMarch4Children know that we will not tolerate hate, intolerance or indoctrination in any form from any camp.