IWD 2025 – Celebrate & Continue the Fight for Equality
Sixty percent of minimum wage workers in Canada are
women, and almost a third of women live in homes that
are unaffordable, inadequately sized, or in disrepair.
In 2023, 21% of families with a woman primary income
earner were food insecure, versus 16% with a man primary
income earner.
Food insecurity was highest among female lone parent
families (41%).
90% of families using emergency shelters are headed by
single women.
10% of women in Canada live on low incomes. Those who
face multiple barriers are at higher risk of poverty, including
racialized women, women with disabilities, and single mothers.
Women still only make 89 cents for every dollar men make.
Immigrant women face a 55% gender pay gap, racialized
women face a 40% gap, Indigenous women face a 45% gap,
and the pay gap faced by women with disabilities is 56%.
Women are 25% more likely to be in the bottom 30% of wage
earners and 43% less likely to be in the top 10%.
Women are 32% more likely than men to hold multiple jobs.
Young women are 53% more likely to hold multiple jobs.
Women are 67% more likely than men to be unpaid for
overtime hours.
Women are 2.3 times more likely to be unpaid for time off.
73% of gender-diverse workers and 46% of women workers
have experienced harassment and violence in the workplace.